# How to run this project

The following command will setup project prerequisites.

nvm use 10
npm run fresh-install

Once this is done, start the following parallely:

## Start google cloud function locally:

cd functions
npm run dev

## Start client:

- start webpack dev server to host client files
- serve the public folder which is referencing files hosted by webpack dev server

cd client
npm run dev

## Populate data in database from youtube api

Get data for comedians and their videos stored into database collections

cd scripts/generate
npm install (only first time)
npm start

## Debugging Tools

### GraphQL

More on of functions directory.

#### Online

On run the following:

#### Local

Endpoint: http://localhost:5000/comedy-collection/us-central1/api/graphql

query {
  videos {

## Rebuild Database

cd scripts/generate/
npm start


### ppp

ppp - pre production platform (PPE)

### Dev Mode

We have to run client with:

> firebase serve --only hosting:dev,functions --port 7575

This is to allow the client hosting to start, where the redirect config should use the function.

Also, running:

> firebase serve --only functions --port=8585

This is where the hot reloading functions is hosted and pointed to withing the app in dev mode.

## References

- - free svg illustrations

## Issues

### renew firebase token

firebase logout
firebase login --reauth

### update firebase tools

Not able to install npm package or update firebase-tools:

npm cache clean --force

npm install -g firebase-tools